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E. H. Bloomfield 

Author | Hiker | Vegetarian |Creative Writing BA Stanford ’68 | Physical Therapist BA Loma Linda ’80 | MD UC Irvine ’87


Solves The World

Can one person really change the world? From a very early age, Damien Burns could get people to do what he said, if he spoke in a particular way.

Years later, newly elected President Elaine Reynolds would turn Damien’s superpower into a game-changer for American defense. She created an unprecedented secret agency called S.P.E.A.R. Social Political Economic Aggression Resolution. As history and luck would have it, other young people were found who could also “supersuade,” and they joined Damien as agents of S.P.E.A.R.

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About Author

E.H. Bloomfield is a native of Chicago with a Creative Writing degree from Stanford University, a Physical Therapy degree from Loma Linda University, a Medical Degree from the University of California at Irvine, and a thirty-year career practicing Internal Medicine.  A writer since the age of ten, beginning with elaborate letters from camp, Bloomfield considers medicine to have been a detour, and was happy to return to writing full time to produce S.P.E.A.R. Solves the World. In  the second volume of the series,  S.P.E.A.R. Solves More World, soon to be available on Amazon in paperback and eBook, the agents help OK VISA fight off sabotage and drought, and there are missions to Afghanistan, Congo, the Antarctic, and North Korea.

Two more books in the series are in the works, for publication in 2024, with new international adventures in Myanmar, Yemen, Angola, Somalia, Israel, and North Korea (since there is more to do there). For updates, extras, and character deep dives go to Blogs.


Bloomfield has now burst into our minds with this complex (but surprisingly straightforward) global/eco/political thriller. SPEAR has it all -- thought-provoking plot lines suited to today's troubled times; realistic storytelling (with just a small twist on reality); thoroughly researched historical, scientific and political background detail; convincing dialogue among well conceived/developed characters; and just a taste of humor. The story tugs so hard the reader can't easily put it down and, like a 1-year-old, just wants "More, please."

John S.S.P.E.A.R

I finally got to read your latest. You’re like a human version of that battery commercial that never ends. It get better each time as you write it. It’s really great!


Intriguing concept. Well written too.


it's an ingenious tale, in a wide variety of environments. backed up by a surprising amount of what seems like authentic detail, and written with consistent authority and style.


I've finished the book - can I say one more time how well-written it is? It is very well written - I've told you I'm very judgemental about books but this one is easy and pleasurable to read. I’m looking forward to recommending your book on the various book subreddits I follow once it’s published (I wish I were an influencer!)


I thoroughly enjoyed this highly creative tale that has a practical spin. Combining current events, science, fantasy, hope, and superhero flying-by-the-seat-of-the-pants situations, E.H. Bloomfield creates a world in which the USA figures out a new way to change the world. As postulated in the epilogue, this new approach is all doable. I believe it. It may take an across-the-aisle political will and robust agreement to put the Golden Rule into practice. This book plants a unique philosophical seed, and draws the reader into a realm of possibilities.
An unstated but overarching theme is that existing political and military powers may seem to be in charge of socio-economic policy, but in reality, it’s the “next generation” of kind, trustworthy, and intelligent young people who will “solve the world”.
Now if we could just find that first genuine supersuader…


If you don’t like the way things are, imagine how to change it!
Ms. Bloomfield’s book is an adventure into possibilities: world chaos and a cure. What an incredibly wonderful read. Perfect for anyone who imagines we can run this world we live in differently.


I tend to read fantasy, science fiction, and anything from far away or long ago because here and now can be depressing. This book, though set in modern-day America, is not at all depressing. With one small fantasy tweak and a few well-intentioned, smart people, and some hard work (it's not magic!) the world gets better. I love reading about smart, well-intentioned people.


Great adventure, humor and ideas!
Have been sharing the ideas in this fun book with friends and even our early adult grand kids. Lively writing is producing lively connections.







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